Why can’t Power BI Desktop sign in?

Issues Are you having trouble logging into Power BI? It might seem as straightforward as a forgotten password, but sometimes the problem is more complex. If you’ve encountered an error message preventing you from accessing your account, it’s crucial to understand that such difficulties are not unusual and can often be resolved with systematic troubleshooting.

This guide aims to provide you with a clear and methodical approach to solving Power BI login issues, from validating your credentials to checking the reliability of your Internet connection.

Credential and Connection Verification

Before delving into specific technical issues, it’s essential to perform some basic checks:

  • Credentials: Ensure you are using the correct username and password combination.
  • Internet Connection: Check the stability of your Internet connection, as it can affect your access to Power BI.

If these initial steps don’t resolve the issue, there are additional strategies that may help. It’s worth mentioning that human error accounts for a significant percentage of login problems, so always double-check user details. Make sure you are using the correct username and password combination, and if you suspect a forgotten password, use the provided tools to reset it.

Solving Login Issues in PowerBI

At times, PowerBI users may encounter difficulties logging into the service due to issues with the webview/browser component used for two-factor authentication (2FA) verification. Let’s explore two options that have worked in different scenarios.

Option 1. Login Experience Configuration

  1. Instead of logging in immediately, go to File ->> Options and settings >-> Options.
  2. Navigate to the Security section.
  3. Check the “Use updated login experience” box.
  4. Confirm with OK.
  5. Restart PowerBI Desktop.
  6. Log in with your email address.

Option 2. Reinstalling Power BI

  • Uninstall and then reinstall PowerBI Desktop.

The action of uninstalling and reinstalling PowerBI Desktop often resolves this login issue. Once reinstalled, it has allowed many users to enter their email address, open the browser to complete 2FA authentication, and finally access the service.

Common Login Problems

We will review the most common issues that users may encounter when logging into Power BI. Each problem is accompanied by a clear description and concise steps for its resolution. This table is a quick reference that will help you identify and solve obstacles preventing successful access to your Power BI account.

Remember, these are the most frequent issues, but not the only ones; there’s always the possibility of unique situations depending on your specific setup.

ProblemDescriptionSolution Steps
Proxy Authentication ErrorsOccurs when a proxy server blocks requests from Power BI Desktop.1. Contact Administrator: Request to add app.powerbi.com and api.powerbi.com to the proxy’s whitelist.
2. For government cloud users, also include app.powerbigov.us and api.powerbigov.us
Non-HTTPS URL RedirectsPower BI Desktop does not allow redirects to non-secure URLs.Verify Secure URLs: Ensure that all URLs used during the login process are HTTPS.
Collecting Diagnostic Traces in Power BI DesktopNecessary to diagnose persistent problems.1. Activate Tracking: Go to Archivo > Opciones y configuraciones > Opciones > Diagnósticos
2. Reproduce Error: Perform the steps leading to the error and send the tracking files to the administrator.
Using System Credentials for Web ProxyConfiguration to use default system credentials for web proxy authentication.Security Considerations: Ensure proper configuration before enabling to prevent security risks.

Tips for Successful Login

issue login powerbi
Tips for Successful Login

To maximize your chances of a successful login in Power BI, consider these tips:

  • Use the updated login experience. Enable this option in File >-> Options and settings ->> Options.
  • Secure Authentication: Always use secure authentication websites (HTTPS).
  • Enable Tracking: Activate tracking in Power BI Desktop to log events and facilitate diagnosis.
  • Whitelist in Proxy Servers: Include specific domains if you use a proxy authentication server.
  • Secure Connections in Power BI Desktop: Prioritize the use of SSL for data exchanges.
  • Power BI Support: In case of difficulties, contact Power BI support providing detailed information.

By following these steps and tips, I hope you have found the solution to Power BI login problems.

If after following these steps you still encounter difficulties logging in or face issues not addressed in this guide, I encourage you to contact Power BI support for additional assistance. The Power BI support team can offer personalized solutions based on your specific situation. You can access technical support and find useful resources by visiting the Power BI support page. Do not hesitate to use these resources to ensure a smooth and efficient experience with Power BI.